Do you remember what happened in Tennessee last year? The sonic Boom and all communications going out? Birds fried on powerlines? Sounds like they were testing their weapons on "WE THE PEOPLE". I thought on Sadistic people like Saddam did that to his own people?

March 19, 2003 -- WASHINGTON - The Pentagon is planning to open war against Iraq with the most devastating and technologically advanced display of air power in military history designed to quickly stun Iraqi leaders into submission.

Sometime in the coming hours or days, when President Bush gives the green light, Tomahawk missiles, precision bombs and exotic new weapons that fry electronics will rain down from the skies and turn Saddam Hussein's palaces, command and control centers and chemical-weapons sites into rubble.

The Pentagon says more than 3,000 smart bombs and missiles will be dropped in the opening 48 hours of the war - with more than 1,200 targets expected to be leveled by the awesome array of air power.

And when the opening thunderclaps subside, Iraqi leaders will be deaf, dumb and blind - unable to communicate or know what's happening in the battlefield while U.S. ground forces race toward Baghdad from at least three directions.

The concept of the war plan is called "shock and awe" - a swift and furious assault that would compress the number of targets hit in five weeks during the air campaign in the 1991 Gulf War into a matter of hours.

"The goal is to decapitate the regime and make it impossible for it to function," said Harlan Ullman, a defense strategist who first developed the concept, told The Post last night.

"We are not trying to kill the Iraqi army, we are trying to get it to quit as quickly as we can by leaving them with the feeling of being trapped and thinking the most stupid thing they could do is continue to resist," he said.

The opening of the war is expected to come from a furious salvo of Tomahawk missiles fired from as many as 30 ships and submarines now amassed in the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea.

Then satellite-guided bombs dropped from radar-evading B-2 stealth bombers taking off from Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean will strike at critical air-defense targets, paving the way for hundreds of other aircraft to target command and control facilities, weapons-of-mass-destruction sites and loyal elements of the Iraqi military, including the Republican Guard.

Intelligence sources said Saddam has been consulting with former Serbian military commanders about their experience with U.S. air power in the Kosovo and Bosnian wars and is likely to borrow many of their tactics to disperse his forces in civilian neighborhoods.

That is why unlike Operation Desert Storm in 1991, the United States won't wait five weeks before launching ground operations.

The United States has more than 900 combat aircraft in the region, and attacks will come from several directions - from carriers based in the Persian Gulf and eastern Mediterranean Sea and from air bases in Turkey, Oman, Qatar and Kuwait.

Some aircraft will be hitting as many as three targets a night with satellite-guided smart bombs, Pentagon officials said.

The ability to hit hundreds of targets at once has been made possible by the extraordinary technological advances since the last Gulf War. In 1991, only 10 percent of the ordnance dropped on Iraq were smart bombs.

This time around, says Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, more than 90 percent of the munitions used will be precision guided.

The United States will unveil new wonder weapons in the campaign, including a thermobaric bomb that penetrates bunkers and incinerates everything inside, the giant MOAB, which produces the biggest non-nuclear explosion ever seen, and the so-called e-bomb, which fires a massive jolt of microwave energy that fries enemy communications and electronics.

"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
-- Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334
Ain't Karma A Bitch!

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