This is curious....Anyone know of this? True or False?

Vol. 9, No. 2059 - The American Reporter - March 13, 2003

 An A.R. Exclusive
by Joe Shea
American Reporter Correspondent
Los Angeles, Calif.

LOS ANGELES, Calif., March 13, 2003 -- A former White House covert
operations official has told The American Reporter that Secretary of
State Colin L. Powell, then a military aide to the U.S. Army command
staff in Vietnam, misunderstood a general's instructions and
mistakenly ordered the notorious March 16, 1968, My Lai massacre, and
successfully covered up his error until now. The former official's
allegations concerning the events, whose 35th anniversary occurs on
Sunday, could not immediately be confirmed.

"He [Powell] made a stupid mistake," said the official, now a retired
and wealthy civilian, in a wide-ranging three-hour interview last

A State Dept. spokesman, Jo-Anne Prokopowicz, said she would forward
questions about Powell's possible role to officials at the Dept. of
State. "We don't usually comment on military matters," she said.

The source, who said he would deny the information if he was named in
this story because he has suffered several heart attacks and might
not survive the controversy his charges could create, said that he
had been asked by then-President Richard Nixon to see if the sentence
received by Lt. William "Rusty" Calley for the Vietnam War massacre
could be reduced.

In the course of that investigation, the source said, Gen. William
Westmoreland, the commander of U.S. forces in Vietnam from 1964 to
July 1968, told him that Powell had mistaken his orders to subdue the
village as an order to wipe out its inhabitants, and relayed the
mistaken order through an Army major to Calley, who was court-
martialed and sent to jail for murder.

He was released after serving only part of his sentence as the result
of his findings, the source said. Westmoreland left Vietnam to become
Army Chief of Staff just four months after the incident and before
Calley was court-martialed. The source said he did not talk with
Powell about the incident, but did talk with the major through whom
the orders were relayed to Calley.

According to various reports, some 347 unarmed men, women and
children were wiped out in the village, which was actually named Son
My. Several officers were charged with covering up the incident, and
five were court-martialed. Lt. Calley was convicted and sentenced to
life in prison for the murder of 22 unarmed civilians. His sentence
was reduced to 10 years, and in 1974 a Federal court judge reversed
the conviction and freed Calley.

Powell, a major and deputy assistant chief of staff for operations G-
3 at Americal Division headqurters in Chu Lai, was assigned eight
months later to investigate rumors of the the incident and wrote a
controversial 1969 official report that cleared American soldiers of
any serious wrongdoing.

After the incident became public in the Fall of 1969, a friendly
biographical account says, "Powell sided with the American Division
General during the court martial proceedings" against Calley. Powell
has been heavily criticized in later years for not using his position
on the command staff to prevent the massacre at the time it occurred.

Both Westmoreland and the major through whom the order was relayed
are dead, and the source said many but not all of those who had
firsthand knowledge of Powell's role are no longer living.

The source said he is a liberal Democrat who was a CIA officer for
many years before accepting a military commission from President
Reagan. He also was a military liaison to Saudi Arabia's royal family
and said he was responsible for the destruction of a satellite-
bearing Russian rocket on a launch pad in Russia, and was shot during
that operation.

The source, a high-ranking retired military officer who said he had
served Presidents Nixon and Reagan, said an unexpurgated transcript
of the secret proceedings of a military tribunal that convicted
Calley would reveal Powell's role. The transcripts remain classified,
he said.

Powell's role in the My Lai massacre has been the subject of many
articles over the years, but until now there has been no suggestion
made that he was responsible for ordering it. Powell was unavailable
for comment, but in an autobiography said he did not learn of the
incident until two years after it occurred.

"Senior officers who were in Vietnam at the time are quietly
skeptical of [Powell's] account," Newsweek reported on Sept. 11,
1995. "They point out that word of the massacre - which did not
become public until November 1969 - quickly spread through the
region, and to the Americal Division's headquarters."

The magazine, in a lengthy article, said Powell never talked to the
soldier who first reported the incident to command staff, and his
claim that he didn't know of the incident until after it became
public is at odds with his report's dismissal of rumors about the

Calley was convicted in a court-martial in Septermber 1969, before
the incident became public, when a soldier named Tom Glen wrote to
Westmoreland's successor, Gen. Creighton Abrams, and told him
American soldiers in the field were killing Vietnamese civilians.
Powell's report failed to confirm that allegation.

Powell was implicated in the Iran-Contra Affair as the official who
provided information to the National Security Council about Iran's
request for missiles in a scheme to trade them for the release of
hostages taken at U.S. Embassy in Teheran in 1979. He was also
criticized for failing to send an American rescue mission to help
U.S. soldiers pinned down in Mogadishu, Somalia, in the events
pictured in the film "Black Hawk Down."

At the same time, he has served four U.S. Presidents, successfully
directed the 1991 Gulf War as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
and is a frequently-mentioned possible black candidate for the
nation's highest office. In 1999, he was endorsed in advance of any
declaration of his candidacy by this newspaper in the event he should
seek the presidency in 2000. He later decided not to run, citing
family obligations.

Copyright 2003 Joe Shea The American Reporter. All Rights Reserved
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