Don't give up Ken...I read your mail...We need to stay on course. Just remember that Dave and Joyce talk about people being paid to listen? So to are people in the group to disrupt. The gov't is famous for planting people to disrupt and start infighting amoungst us. Just ignore them and if need be block them from your mailbox so they dont get your goat up. Believe me I  have had my share of people from this group alone give me grief.
----- Original Message -----
From: Atnip
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 12:09 AM
Subject: passin on the news

I've noticed on this group lately that there is a intolerance for anybody that disagrees with you. I would like to take a minute to address something that I has had happened to me on several occasions lately. First of all when I come across a piece of news that I think others should be aware of, I pass it on, I rarely comment on it pro or con. When I open my mailbox I find hate mail and have neither written the piece nor have I commented on it. Too many people out there are ready to lynch any perceived threat as soon as they encounter it. Several in the group have "cussed me out" and blocked my mail without any chance to defend or refute hmm, very familiar( got their head in the sand). I get the same treatment from people that I talk to about the patriot movement, I get the door slammed in my face. While you may not agree with everything that I say, I am a fellow patriot, perhaps more verbal than most (not editorial). But I also know that judgement comes, I don't fool myself. I can't preach a lie or give false hope.
We should all strive to backup our statements with sources and a multitude of hard facts, that we may not damage our credibility. After all if we expect others to believe what we say, then what we say should be all true. In order for this to happen we should be able to view all news sources / facts without pain, after all the truth is the truth whether we like it or not.
When I pass on a news item, I expect that you all can draw your own conclusions from what you read. Sometimes it is very obvious that there is a conspiracy hidden in the text (you don't need me to interpret it for you). I'm not interested in telling somebody how they should think or feel about any subject. (dig for yourself)

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