The Thunderbolt does not produce NMEA messages,  so you would need to parse the 
TSIP data stream.  My C program to do that for all Thunderbolt messages is 
around 2700 lines long.

LOCK on the Thunderbolt is not a simple question to answer with a single 
blinkey light.  There are many degrees of lockage and unlockage to consider.  
You have satellite lock,  oscillator lock,  signal quality, oscillator 
holdover, PPS offset,  frequency offset, etc.  A simple LED lock light would 
leave much to the imagination (but then, what you don't know can't hurt you, 

I am working on a Thunderbolt controller based on a small LCD  touchscreen 
graphics controller (  First I will probably do a version that 
runs on old laptops.
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