
The real question is weather Trimble uses the data that's there to help their 
algorithm stabilize the oscillator.  I suspect there is a way for them to 
extract the information without the full firmware set being present. 

I agree that without being able to access the data properly, you would have a 
hard time using it for stuff like time transfer.


On Mar 15, 2010, at 9:32 PM, Mark Sims wrote:

> At one time I thought the Thunderbolt had some carrier phase capabilities...  
> it does not.   I found  a couple of undocumented (for the Thunderbolt) status 
> messages that indicate that the Thunderbolt firmware does not have the 
> carrier phase routines installed.  
> It does output the code phase in a message (but in a form that is just about 
> impossible to use for anything).   
> --------------------
> If you dig back far enough in the archives, you can find information that 
> suggests the Thunderbolt uses carrier phase data.
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