I use this on Linux:

 cd ~klotz/.wine/drive_c/"Program Files"/Heather
 wine heather.exe /IP=localhost:45000 /TW=250

I use Ralph Smith's tboltd so heather connects to a TCP port, but you can also just give a COM port to connect on the line above.
The /TW=250 gives reasonable performance without tremendous CPU usage.



On 02/22/2012 04:45 PM, Mark Sims wrote:
The roots of Lady Heather lie in a program written in the mid 1980's for 
controlling a Magellan GPS board (a multiplexed single channel receiver - Bruce 
has it now).  That program ran under DOS.   The code is pretty much straight 
ANSI C.   I modified it to work with the Tbolt and added the graphing code 
(1024x768 screens only).  It still was basically a DOS program,  but could limp 
under Windows.  The intent was (and pretty much still is) to dedicate a cheap 
laptop to running it (in fact there are some laptops out there with tbolts 
mounted internally, powered off the CD rom interface).    I've run it on 
laptops that could not even be given away (and 2.4 GHz machines can be had for 
under $40, including OS)

John Miles ported over the code to use his graphics and serial I/O library 
which made it work better under Windows.  The serial code had problems so I 
rewrote that.   Also the graphics library used a proportional font that made 
displaying tables rather ugly.   That was modified to use fixed width fonts and 
just about any screen size.  Also the adev code was modified to use John's 
incremental adev code.  This allowed much better real-time adev calculations 
with pretty much unlimited depth even on VERY slow processors.

The code was still kept up so that it could  run on the cheapest, most minimal 
laptops around running DOS (EMS memory anyone).  Then the evil Lady Heather got 
uppity and started adding all sorts of stuff,  memory usage be damned.   The 
DOS code  is still there,  but enabling it kills a whole bunch of stuff.   It 
is pretty much requires a Windows level operating system now.  The user and 
operating system interface is intentionally kept as primitive and basic as 
possible to make porting it easy.

I really don't like having to run Windows just for this lone program
and even then the screen design and over all user interface is
primitive, even by Windows standards                                    

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