One issue with X-Y mode on analog scopes is the different bandwidth of the two 
signal paths. Do not expect to have amplitude or phase fidelity within the 
vertical bandwidth. 1/10th of it is probably the best you can hope for.

In that regard, DSOs with all their quirks are more symmetrical since those I 
have seen do this actually use the two vertical channels, so the bandwidth is 

Didier KO4BB

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless thingy while I do other things...

-----Original Message-----
From: "Marvin E. Gozum" <>
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 07:29:00 
To: <>; <>
Reply-To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
Subject: [time-nuts] Chinese Scopes

XY quality:

Many DSO have had slow wfms/sec or update rates.
Its a reason Agilent touts its new fast rates in their new scopes.
Here's a test XY mode "youscope" test app on an analog, Agilent 
Infiniivison and Rigol 1052e for comparison:

Mpts on timebase:
More memory is always good but it may not be so on low end scopes as 
it eats refresh rates.

used Tek scope:
Old scopes are always a gamble, some odds are worse than others.  If 
you can risk worse case and have to repair it, and can do so, have 
the space for it, it likely will do better than any low end Chinese scope.

In the end, I think the Chinese label scopes raise the bar on new 
entry level DSO, opposed to the existing leaders.  But one can't 
expect too much from them.  Only Rigol provides 1 GHz bandwidth to 
date, just at the low end of the top tier models by Agilent, LeCroy and Tek.

Will they catch up soon?  Dunno, I presume manufacturers have wised 
up on IP theft, and won't be giving it away as in past 20 years, to 
Chinese industry.

>At 01:51 PM 4/16/2012, wrote:
> >There is a rumor that one also needs an analog scope.
>Where analog scopes generally win is in X-Y mode, most digitals I've
>seen suck at that.
>At 06:44 PM 4/16/2012, wrote:
>>OK. IMO, there is another, perhas a more important, issue....  memory depth.
To bring this full circle, a friend bought a very clean, working 465 for
$50 at MIT.

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