When I was in high school (early 1970's) I designed and built my own alarm 
clock out of TTL... (none of that sticking the guts of a commercial alarm clock 
in a pencil case that get kids arrested today).  Also built my first computer 
by interfacing a TV Typewriter to a calculator chip.  I was well skilled in the 
dark arts of soldering (hint: don't solder in the nude) and wire wrapping.

In college I built/hand soldered more S100 computer boards than I care to 
remember.  I was also a co-op engineer for Collins Radio...  right after they 
were bought by Rockwell...  I was assigned the old clock number (employee ID) 
of Arthur Collins...  all my printouts from the computer center (Univac 1108) 
had A A Collins name on them in big ASCII block letters...  and were given very 
special handling.   While there I weaseled my way into a soldering class that 
taught soldering for manned space flight (and nukes).   Graduated at the top of 
the heap.  Frankly, I didn't learn much that I did not already know...  BTW,  
they built $100,000+ laser wire strippers to use on the space shuttle.

My first job out of college was at a mini computer company.   Much to the 
chagrin on the engineering manager and my "supervisor" I insisted on building 
and hand soldering the first prototype PCB's of all my designs.   That way I 
learned all the little gotchas that worked their way into the layouts.   None 
of my designs over 5 years required more than one spin of the circuit 
design/layout for production.    Once the lead supervisor of the manufacturing 
floor saw me soldering a new prototype board and freaked out...  nobody 
can/should hand solder a circuit board...  then she took a close look at the 
board and freaked out even more...  and wanted me to teach soldering to all the 
lovely ladies.  I'll stack my soldering foo against all comers.  (BTW,  nylon 
underwear was banned for all assembly workers... static control and all that).

There is no substitute for hands-on experience, learning, and experimenting 
(particularly when it comes to soldering in the nude going wrong,  or the 
subtle wonders of stepping bare foot on a legs-up TO3 power transistor).

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