On Tue, Oct 15, 2019 at 11:18 AM philip shangguan <pshangg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My question is that, once the initial connections are established, can B and 
> C talk to each other directly without going through A?

Are B and/or C behind a firewall?

You should be able to see which tinc nodes are connected to which
other nodes by running tinc in debug mode:

tincd -n [network-name] -D -d

> What if A is down, can B and C continue talking to each other?

If B can directly connect to C (or vice versa), then B and C should
still be able to communicate directly with each other.

>With the simple setup I have now, it does not work if I shut down A. Is it 
>possible with some configure changes, I can have A to instruct B and C to 
>communicate directly with each other?

> I am trying to get B and C to work as a pair of P2P hosts.

I believe tinc always tries to route packets directly.  So your goal
should be possible.

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