Good afternoon.

I've tried making use of tinc inside of a Windows XP box, mostly to test
whether it is at all possible to use a JScript/VBScript file (Windows
Scripting Host). However, upon executing tinc.exe (this also happens with
tincd.exe), an error pops up, telling about a method that is not available
in KERNEL32.DLL. Apparently, this method, InitOnceExecuteOnce, is only
available from Windows Vista onwards.

This is unfortunate – as I do have a Windows Server 2008 virtual machine,
but it's painfully slow –, but at the same time it also means this version
of tinc does not work in Windows XP.

Is it possible to apply a fix for this? Or, if abandoning Windows XP
support is planned, at least make this visible in the download page (and
have the installer warn people who try to run it under Windows XP).

Thank you! :)

 – Gustavo
tinc mailing list

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