lostgallifreyan wrote:
If you can give me a complete step by step method that works,
I can learn from it, but I doubt I can learn anything meaningful
from parts I cannot find any record of having been assembled
into a working whole.

Assuming you have the tcc-0.9.24 binary installation for windows
here is the "complete step by step method that works" to make
a DLL and an EXE that links to it:

$ tcc examples/dll.c -o dll.dll -shared
$ tiny_impdef dll.dll -o dll.def
$ tcc examples/hello_dll.c dll.def -o hello_dll.exe
or alternatively:
$ tcc examples/hello_dll.c -o hello_dll.exe -ldll -L.

Note also the "__declspec(dllexport)" with "HelloWorld" in dll.c
which tells TCC to export this function such that windows can
find it when it links the dll (dynamically) at the time when
hello_dll.exe is run.

That's it.  I don't know what else to say about DLL's as far
as TCC is concerned.  See also docs/readme.txt.

--- grischka

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