tinycc-devel@nongnu.org wrote in
 |We have the tinycc 0.9.28 release canditate for a long time,
 |but still no release.
 |All people here can help grischka to be more confident to make a release.
 |My suggestions:
 |* Please hold back any commit before the release.
 |* If you think, you have an urgent change to fix an urgent bug,
 |discuss it on the mailing list first.
 |* Together, we decide, if we postpone the change after the release is out,
 |or commit the fix before the release.
 |(Unfortunately, a commit will likely delay the release even longer)
 |Savannah has a buglist for tinycc:
 |(It works for collecting issue,
 |but unfortunately no one works on this issue list)
 |  [1] https://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?group=tinycc

I did not even know that there is a bug tracker!  Note that


says very clearly

  You want to help ?

    Here are some suggestions:

        Report bugs to the mailing list (and eventually fix them).

which seems to foster mailing-list communication, and that is what
was my impression for the many years i am on this list.

 |I already created some entries for issues, which i like to get fixed
 |and for features, which i like to get added.
 |Please do the same.

I hate bug trackers.  Currently i would not have to add one

 |@grischka, what additional things can we do, to help you to make a release?

Last time it just suddenly happened.
I personally maintain a package for CRUX-Linux (no more in
official contrib, but privately, but otherwise the same), and it
just works.  I mean, v0.9.28 is just another number, right?
Currently it is


  build() {
          cd tinycc-*

          ./configure --prefix=/usr

          sed -i -E 's/^TCCDOCS.*$/TCCDOCS = tcc.1/' Makefile

          make MAKEFLAGS="${MAKEFLAGS}" &&
                  make DESTDIR="${PKG}" install

You do this prodding all the time, and seem to stir bugtracker
water that i even never have heard of in all these years, and that
contradicts the project sites' "groove".  This is stunning since
i learned that you contributed to this software over fourteen
(14!) years ago already, half a decade or so before i subscribed.

Why don't you treat this is a "permanent rolling release" instead
for as long as there is no .28, or (heaven!) 1.0.  It is only that
"tcc --version" is a bit unfortunate in that respect.

I am happy to have tcc and that there are some major contributors
that bring this project that i use almost every day forward.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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