I need to know a few basic questions about what this software can do. I've 
tried playing with the demos but, in spite of selecting the CRM demo, I could 
find nowhere to put customer details.

I would be very grateful if someone could answer these questions about 
suitability for a service company.

1. Need to keep detailed info on customers including multiple addresses and 
phone numbers, notes such as location of keys (to buildings), alternative 
contacts. Free form OK for notes.

2. Detailed information on each client visit (job), including duration, details 
of work carried out, products sold, etc.

3. Produce invoices from above or export details for accounting package.

4. Quickly retrieve information on customers for confirming details when they 
call in to book work.

5. Support basic (no JavaScript or Flash) web interface for access using mobile 
device such as smart phone.

6. Extract data for mail-shots based in when last job was booked.

7. Time estimate to set-up for a very experienced Linux user but new to OpenERP.

Thanks in advance to anyone who spares the time to consider these questions.


-------------------- m2f --------------------


-------------------- m2f --------------------

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