you mean this?

 CC1K_433_002_MHZ = 0x00,
 CC1K_915_998_MHZ = 0x01,
 CC1K_434_845_MHZ =    0x02,
 CC1K_914_077_MHZ =    0x03,
 CC1K_315_178_MHZ =    0x04,

On 1/17/07, Philip Levis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Jan 16, 2007, at 3:48 AM, SANG Junjun wrote:

> Hi,
> I loaded \opt\tinyos-2.x\apps\tutorials\BlinkToRadio in 2 mica2
> motes just as lesson 3 said. But it doesn't work.
> And then I tried to check if the packet was sent and received
> successfully. The  sendDone() shows the packet was successfully
> sent. But It can't receive any packet.
> Does someone use the BlinkToRadio in mica2, tinyOS2.x succesfully?
> Can you give me some advice?
> _

There are two frequencies for mica2: 433 and 915MHz. Just as with
TinyOS 1.x, if your software is configured for the wrong one, you
will not receive/send packets. My default, it's configured for 433.
Take a look at CC1000Const.h.


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