Do you mean I don't remove the 0x7e bytes on each end?


On 4/12/07, Ben Buckner <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

Oh, you have to provide the framing structure with any packet you send to
the mote. The protocol doesn't change.


-----Original Message-----
From: Inderjit Singh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 2:46 AM
To: Ben Buckner
Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] UART ReceiveMsg

Thanks Ben,

I tried something very simple:

1. I get the byte stream from usb sent from the TMote like:
   7e 42 xx xx xx xx 7e

2. I remove the 7e from the stream and send it back as it is (42 xx xx
xx xx). But I still don't get it. C/C++ should be able to handle this

Is there any doc on how the serial communication should be
established. I have gone through the java code for sending but still
it would help with a doc.


On 4/11/07, Ben Buckner <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have trouble sending msg from laptop (using c++) code to tmote.  All
> > code is at the bottom. I have no problem reading the data from the
> > but sending it back dooesn't seam to work. Anyone knows why? Thanks.
> >
> > Indy
> [...]
> >     memcpy(output_buffer, &msgOUT, sizeof(msgOUT));
> Out of the dozens of things that could be wrong, it might be worth
> out that C does not guarantee that structures can be serialized by
> bytewise out of memory like that. It can work, but you never know. The
> usual reason why that would fail is if the compiler tries to align the
> members of the structure and inserts padding (which it almost always
> with odd-sized byte fields). At any rate, it would be a good idea to
> sure that the code really generates the byte stream that you think it's
> generating.
> Ben B.
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