answer to my own question, for future reference, problem is due to the change of TinyOS application, mainly message format.

sorry to everyone. :-)



Peizhao Hu wrote:
Hi All,

I have a strange problem with my Java program and TinyOS application. I have two application A(working version) and B(modification based on A). they both use the same set of codes to received message from Mote with a base station running on it.

synchronized public void messageReceived(int dest_addr, Message msg) {
    // method content

and the MoteIF are instantiated in the same way:

    void initMote(){
        mote = new MoteIF(PrintStreamMessenger.err);
        mote.registerListener(new FwdDataMsg(), this);

the problem is that when I debug my java program, the messageReceived method is never invoked. When I tried to run application A, everything works just fine.

so all program logic for receiving message from tmote are the same in both applications. but application B does nothing in invoking the messageReceived method.

anyone have suggestion??

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