Hi Zhiyi,

the original telosb doesn't have an accelerometer, but in general you
can contribute by putting your code in "tinyos-2.x-contrib" [1]. If it
is only about the msp430adc12_channel_config_t you might as well just
send that code snippet to tinyos-help mailing list.


[1] http://docs.tinyos.net/tinywiki/index.php/Contributing_Code_to_TinyOS

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 1:57 AM, zhiyi <zhu...@cs.otago.ac.nz> wrote:
> Jan,
> Thanks for help. My program works now. Actually it is a bit embarrassed to
> say the reason was that the sensor board was not plugged tightly enough on
> the mote.
> Also I noticed there was no adc12 modules for accelerometers on telosb.
> Could I make such a module and contribute to the code tree of telosb? I
> tested my module works fine for ADXL321.
> Cheers,
> Zhiyi
> On 28/11/2011, at 11:15 PM, Jan Hauer wrote:
>> Your configuration seems identical to the telosa/b configuration
>> (S1087-01 light sensor on port A5). There is already a component (have
>> you tried it?) ->
>> tinyos-main/tos/platforms/telosa/chips/s10871/HamamatsuS10871TsrC.nc
>> Jan
>> On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 11:52 PM, zhiyi <zhu...@cs.otago.ac.nz> wrote:
>>> Sorry for kicking the old dirts. I followed this thread but have not
>>> found
>>> what I needed.
>>> I have the similar problem with ADC: I can't read proper data from light
>>> sensors or any sensor on the sensor board EM1000.
>>> I have tried Oscilloscope and it works for the InternalTemperature and
>>> InternalVoltage. What I did was I create a new sensor configuration
>>> similar
>>> to these two templates. My configuration is:
>>>  const msp430adc12_channel_config_t config = {
>>>     inch: INPUT_CHANNEL_A5,
>>>     sref: REFERENCE_VREFplus_AVss,
>>>     ref2_5v: REFVOLT_LEVEL_1_5,
>>>     adc12ssel: SHT_SOURCE_ACLK,
>>>     adc12div: SHT_CLOCK_DIV_1,
>>>     sht: SAMPLE_HOLD_4_CYCLES,
>>>     sampcon_ssel: SAMPCON_SOURCE_SMCLK,
>>>     sampcon_id: SAMPCON_CLOCK_DIV_1
>>> }
>>> A5 is supposed to be the channel for S1087-01 light sensor on EM1000.
>>> What I
>>> read are the values gradually decreased and then within a few seconds
>>> stayed
>>> at a almost constant value (no change even if I changed the light). I
>>> tried
>>> HOLD_64, but there was no difference. I even took off the sensor board,
>>> there was no difference.
>>> My mote was CM4000, by the way. I placed my sensor configuration under
>>> tos/chips/msp430/sensors, which I worked fine in terms of compilation.
>>> Could you please shed some light what I could try next?
>>> Many thanks for your help.
>>> Zhiyi
>>>> Are there any of the "standard" telosb external sensors
>>>> (Humidity/Temperature/Light) available on your telosb ? Can you test
>>>> whether they give you good readings (or test your code with the
>>>> internal sensors of the msp430).
>>>>>> 2) open tinyos-2.x/tos/chips/msp430/adc12/Msp430Adc12.h and comment
>>>>>> out "ADC12_P6PIN_AUTO_CONFIGURE". Now the Ax PINs are not
>>>>>> automatically configured, so you should (e.g. in Boot.booted()), do
>>>>>> this:
>>>>>> call Port61.selectModuleFunc();
>>>>>> call Port61.makeInput();
>>>>>> (in your configuration:
>>>>>>  components HplMsp430GeneralIOC;
>>>>>>  MyDriverC.Port61 -> HplMsp430GeneralIOC.Port61;)
>>>>> I'm not sure I understand - should I create a new driver myself? Based
>>>>> on an existing module?
>>>> The pin(s) on the msp430 to which your sensor is attached must be
>>>> configured to be in input and module (ADC) function mode. This is done
>>>> automatically if ADC12_P6PIN_AUTO_CONFIGURE is defined (which is the
>>>> default). But the pins are switched to module function mode just
>>>> before the conversion and back to IO function mode afterwards. Maybe
>>>> there is a timing issue, so you could try to disable the default
>>>> behaviour and try to take care of the pin configuration yourself.
>>>> Jan
> =======================
> Zhiyi Huang
> Dept of Computer Science
> University of Otago
> Email: h...@cs.otago.ac.nz
> Phone: 0064-3-4795680
> Fax: 0064-3-4798529

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