To get to the actual TOS release for the nescc builds under T1,
I think what you need is something like this in your environment
(on Windows):

# Set main pointers used by TOS build system to find files
#  TOSROOT is for external programs, TOSDIR for makefiles
TV="tinyos-1.x" ## I use this to select specific TOS versions
export TOSROOT=C:/cygwin/opt/$TV
export TOSDIR=/opt/$TV/tos

I believe TOSDIR gets transliterated into a "%T" variable in
the Makefiles, i.e.: /opt/tinyos-1.x/tos

This is also required, but you probably already have it set:
export MAKERULES=/opt/$TV/tools/make/Makerules

Then, if there are extra bits of added TOS goodness in other
directories you can include them in the Makefile with PFLAGS
(this is probably what the VUTOS variable is trying to do)
like this:

EXTRATOS=../tos  ## or some %T/../contrib... directory

PFLAGS  += -I$(EXTRATOS)/platform/mica2 \
           -I$(EXTRATOS)/interfaces \

By figuring out where the files that the compiler is whining
about actually are you should be able to add the right directories.

Another option is to put it all together in your main tos and apps
directory structure, so you don't need the contrib searching...

For the Java problem you need to add the jar or root directory tree
that contains the classes of interest to your CLASSPATH, something
like this:

export CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH;C:/whevever/your/files/are;

Search for CLASSPATH for more info than you will ever need...

MS wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am using the AcousticLocalization app from the Vanderbilt University.
> I am trying to run the java app AcousticLocalization as is described in the 
> README.txt file in:
> tools/java/net/tinyos/acousticlocalization/
> AppLoader I enter the following command:
> net.tinyos.acousticlocalization.AcousticLocalization 
> but I got the following error:
> Could not Found module:  java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.tinyos.
> acousticlocalization.AcousticLocalization
> Any ideas on how to fix the problem?
> I'm quite newbbie in this subject, any help is greatly appreciated!!
> Thanks in advance,
> Giacomo
>> ----Messaggio originale----
>> Da:
>> Data: 21/03/2012 17.39
>> A: ""<>
>> Ogg: Re: Re: [Tinyos-help] Vanderbilt AcousticLocalization
>> This code is for tinyos-1.x, so that should not be the issue.
>> Janos
>> On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 10:30 AM,
>> <> wrote:
>>> Hi Janos,
>>> thanks for your answer. Actually the mote I am using is exactly the mica2 
> and
>>> I compile with the command make mica2. I am using TinyOS-1.x, could that be 
> the
>>> problem?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Giacomo
>>>> ----Messaggio originale----
>>>> Da:
>>>> Data: 21/03/2012 14.57
>>>> A: ""<>
>>>> Cc: "tinyos forum"<>
>>>> Ogg: Re: [Tinyos-help] Vanderbilt AcousticLocalization
>>>> Giacomo:
>>>> The code in contrib/vu/apps/AcousticLocalization does compile for
>>>> mica2. If you need to get it work on another platform, you'll have to
>>>> figure how the makefiles need to be adapted to include the required
>>>> interfaces.
>>>> Please note that this code was written 10 years ago, that is, it
>>>> predates micaz and iris.
>>>> Janos
>>>> On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 8:28 AM,
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>> I downloaded from sourceforge all the minitasks\02\vu\ CVS folder to try
>>> the
>>>>> AcousticLocalization application of ISIS Vanderbilt University. I have 
> put
>>> the
>>>>> folder vu in :
>>>>> cygwin\opt\tinyos-1.x\contrib\vu\
>>>>> and I have set the environment variable VUTOS as explained in the ReadMe
>>> file
>>>>> with the command:
>>>>> export VUTOS=/opt/tinyos-1.x/contrib/vu/tos
>>>>> but when I try to compile the applications in the apps folder the system 
> is
>>>>> unable to search interfaces and components in the correct folders.
>>>>> Has someone else faced the same problem?
>>>>> Hope to see some answers,
>>>>> thanks in advance
>>>>> Giacomo
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