On 4 August 2014 03:19, Andy May <andrew.ma...@imperial.ac.uk> wrote:

>  CFLAGS += -I$(TOSDIR)*/lib/net/* -I$(TOSDIR)/lib/net/ctp
> -I$(TOSDIR)/lib/net/le -I%T/lib/net/drip -DLOW_POWER_LISTENING
> ...
> OTHERCONST = -I $(TOSDIR)types/ -I $(TOSDIR)platforms/telosb/mac/tkn154/
> -I $(TOSDIR)platforms/telosb/mac/tkn154/timer/ -I $(TOSDIR)*/lib/serial/*
> -I $(TOSDIR)/lib/mac/tkn154/ -I $(TOSDIR)/chips/cc2420_tkn154/ -I
> $(TOSDIR)/..*/support/sdk/c/sf/*
> ...
> BaseStationCommunicator: CFLAGS   += -I/opt/tinyos-2.x/support/sdk/c/sf -g
> --std=c99
> BaseStationCommunicator: LDFLAGS  += -L/opt/tinyos-2.x/support/sdk/c/sf -g
> BaseStationCommunicator.o: BaseStationCommunicator.cpp
>         g++ -c $(OTHERCONST) BaseStationCommunicator.cpp -o
> BaseStationCommunicator.o

You're providing an explicit build rule for BaseStationCommunicator.o here,
but it doesn't use CFLAGS (or CXXFLAGS as one would expect for a C++
object). Could that be the problem perhaps?

Johny Mattsson
Senior Software Engineer

DiUS Computing Pty. Ltd.

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