In the CC430 User's Guide, I found the following:

25.2.4 Using Radio With Low-Power Modes
The radio works seamlessly in LPM0 to LPM2. To enable radio operation in LPM3 
or LPM4, the
application must set the PMMHPMRE bit in the PMMCTL0 register of the PMM module 
to 1. This enables
the PMM to provide sufficient current while the radio is active.

The documentation only mentions PMMHPMRE in one other place, the PMMCTL0 

"Global high power module request enable. If the PMMHPMRE bit is set, any 
module is able to request the PMM high-power mode."

It sounds like this bit should be set, at least on the CC430, and there doesn't 
seem to be a downside to not setting it. Looks like the easiest place to add 
this would be in, where the core voltage is set:


Anyone have experience with this chip, and know if it's necessary/desirable to 
do this?

Kind regards,

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