
I'm a research student and I am using TelosB motes and TinyOS to perform
a localisation task. 
I use the CTP protocol to route information back to a root node and then
use the serial forwarder as a bridge between the WSN and a PC. 
I use a 'target node' to send simple AM's to the static nodes which
recieve this AM, retrieve the RSSI information and then use the CTP to
route the information back to the root. 
The problem I have is that I can only perform 1 to 2 beacons per second.
The recieved packets at the PC are often missing a packet from a
particular sensor. 
So my questions (of limited knowledge I may add) are: 
When sending simple AM's in conjunction with the CTP, do I need to do
some sort of arbitration? Or is this included in the lower layers? Am I
doing something really wrong? 

Any advice or direction is greatly appreciated, 


Brad Goold
Phone: +61 413 955 125
Email: brad_go...@dodo.com.au

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