I wish I could send TIPS some of the blog entries written by a young cousin of 
mine who was teaching English in China at some private schools for the children 
of fairly wealthy families. The poor work ethic, sense of entitlement,  & lack 
of respect for authority that she described (for the majority of her students) 
was appalling even by modern American standards. Of course she also describes 
some outstanding students but these were a decided minority.  If you consider 
that only the cream of the Chinese crop get to come to the USA for study, the 
comparison made in the original article is not a fair one.

I don't mean to defend the lack of work ethic in the bulk of our modern student 
body you can't compare what are likely elite Chinese students with 
run-of-the-mill American students. Another factor: the Chinese students are 
likely from the privileged classes and don't have to hold down part or full 
time jobs while studying here. Many of our students do.


Edward I. Pollak, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Husband, father, grandfather, biopsychologist, & bluegrass fiddler...... in 
approximate order of importance.

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