Just perusing through the posts,it seems that some tipsters are implying that 
statistical  non-significance should be of no major social and civic import. As 
the cross-cultural dude on Tips,it appears that the U.S and other Wesdtern 
countries abide by the principle that one casualty is too many.Now this might 
not be statistically significant but there is this kind of thinking that 
persists.It seens that the real importance of low or possible casualty is the 
impact it radiates in  various aspects of public life from economic impact to 
just  the plain need for safety.There is an element of
"vicariousness" in U.S culture that  creates "vague apprehensions" of disaster 
experienced by many.To me this is  what needs  to be measured for statistical 

Michael "omnicentric" Sylvester,PhD
Daytona Beach,Florida
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