Title: Re: Young Dr. Freud
Can I put in a tiny vote for the PBS presentation of Freud?  Yes, there were a lot of things missing.  I would have loved, for example, to see more discussion of the uproar following Freud's presentation of Seduction Theory.  It was mentioned, then not referred to again.  A few other points were laicized, but I'll happily show parts of this show to my class, with some caveats.  I think caveats are particularly important to help spur the lazy TV watchers.  When I show tapes in class I often editorialize - even, maybe rudely, during a tape I'm showing - with comments to nudge them from their TV-accepting torpor.  I don't doubt that, for many of my students, it never occurred to them to be skeptical of anything more challenging than "Jackass."  It's become my mission to change that.

Beth Benoit
University System of New Hampshire ---
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