For those of you following the progress of the "Open Access" movement in

scholarly publication, the article ought to be of great interest.
Although I myself think that "open access" is long overdue, it will be
interesting to watch a Republican Congress struggle with the dilemma of
effectively stripping private companies of copyright protection to their

For those of you interesed in the topic, you can find some of my own
writing on it at the following URLs:

Green, C. D. (2002, November). Stalking the wild e-print: A scout's
impressions of Publicatia Incognita. In W. W. Balthrop (Chair), Free the
Bound Periodicals! Electronic Options for NCA. NCA President's Panel
conducted at the annual convention of the National Communications
Association. New Orleans.

Green, C. D. (2002, May). The internet and scholarly publishing.
Presented to Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Research In Progress
Seminar 2002: The Internet and the History of Mental Health and
Addiction, Toronto.

Green, C. D. (2000, August). Electronic media and the future of the
history of psychology. Presented at the annual conference of the
American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

The guru of the Open Access movement in psychology is, of course, Stevan
Harnad (former editor of _Behavior and Brain Sciences_ and current
editor of the e-journal _Psycoloquy_ and the Eprint Archive _CogPrints_.
You can find his writings on the topic at:

Christopher D. Green
Department of Psychology
York University
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M3J 1P3

phone:  416-736-5115 ext. 66164
fax:    416-736-5814

 Scientists Challenge For-Profit Journals
 Mon Jul 7,11:18 AM ET

 By PAUL ELIAS, AP Biotechnology Writer

 A number of prominent scientists got some support from a congressman in

challenging the way their publicly funded research
 papers are handled by for-profit journals.

 U.S. Rep. Martin Sabo, a Minnesota Democrat, has introduced legislation

that would give immediate public access to all research papers created
mostly with federal money, regardless of which journal publishes them.
The federal government doles out more than $50 billion in research funds

a year.

Many scientific journals, such as Science and Nature, own the copyrights

to the research papers reprinted in their publications and charge for
access to them.

Scientists such as Nobel laureate Harold Varmus have railed against that

system for years, arguing the public and scientists operating on a shoe
string are excluded from access because of the high costs of subscribing

to the journals. They also say it inhibits scientific collaboration.

"Unlimited access to scientific research will speed discoveries and
medical advances," said Varmus, president of Sloan-Kettering Cancer
Center in New York.

Varmus co-founded a San Francisco-based online journal called the Public

Library of Science, or PLoS, with that aim in mind. It is set to launch
in October.

PLoS has a tough battle ahead. Though many scientists privately grumble
about the pay-for-access system, publishing in such journals help in
career advancement and many researchers are reluctant to buck the

"It's absolutely true that there is anxiety and concern," said Dr. Pat
Brown, a Stanford University researcher who has published numerous
papers. "We're looking for those who have the guts to stand up for

One of those is Manuel Llinas, a postdoctoral malaria researcher at the
University of California, San Francisco.

 "I was concerned," Llinas said. "But I believe in access to the work."

 PLoS will be available for free online, which raises the question of
how it will survive financially. The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
jump-started the journal with a $9 million grant and PLoS intends to
charge researchers $1,500 each to publish.

 Once the journal gains traction, the founders expect to be self

 "I'm delighted that they're doing this experiment and we'll be watching

it closely," said Dr. Alan Leshner, chief executive of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science (news - web sites), which
publishes the journal Science. "But it has yet to be seen whether it
will work."

 Leshner said charging subscriptions is the only way the nonprofit
association can afford to keep publishing Science, which along with
Nature, is one of the most prestigious journals where scientists can
publish research. Nature is owned by the Anglo-Dutch publishing giant
Reed Elsevier.

 Leshner also said Science publishes news, commentary and other features

that are costly and supported by the publication's subscriptions and
advertisers. He added that Science gives free online access to
institutions in 67 developing nations and allows 1,000 universities to
each buy a single access license for the entire campus.

 Further, Leshner said that many researcher papers have multiple authors

and many researcher projects are funded by multiple public and private
sources, which complicated deciding which papers should be made
available at no cost.

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