Awhile back, quite awhile back I believe, a brief
discussion came up on the Pink Floyd-Wizard of
Oz synch.  I remember some of you expressing that
you weren't terribly impressed.  

But, here's something to do once you have the time
for some relaxation as this school year comes to a close.
This is yet another Floyd "synchronicity" which I promise
will not let you down!  This one involves the song
Echoes, from their album, 'Meddle' and the Stanley
Kubrick's '2001: A Space Odyssey.'  Of course, this
will only really interest those of you who are fans of
both Pink Floyd and Stanley Kubrick.  Makes experiencing
both a unique and pleasurable experience.  

Of course, I'm not saying there is any mystical synchroncitiy
involved here, but rather, intentional synchronization.  In fact,
it was rumored that Pink Floyd was considered for doing the
soundtrack to the movie but was ultimately turned down.  In response,
they recorded Echoes as their own soundtrack anyway.

What you need to do is start Echoes, best if you do it at the third "ping"
while the movie is paused at the beginning of the last segment when
on the screen is the title 'Jupiter and Beyond the Infinite' and then let
the movie begin at the same moment.  Both the movie segment and
the song Echoes both last about 23 minutes, and if you actually do this,
you will be very pleasantly surprised, particularly at the end!


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