Rick Stevens wrote: 
> Maybe we could get a bunch of psychometricians together to go to Kansas and 
> administer IQ tests.
I understand the frustration behind this, but I wouldn't be at all surprised to 
find that the 6 board members who voted against science teaching have IQs as 
high as the 4 who voted in favor of science teaching. Furthermore, I think we 
risk contributing to the problem if we continue to refer to this kind of thing 
as a matter of low intelligence, simply because I think we're wrong about that. 
I am fairly sure that the problem is more the product of misplaced goals: that 
the creationists put the goal of the defense of fundamentalist religious 
beliefs above the goal of teaching science. Having done so, their actions are 
not only not stupid, but in fact effective, intelligent, well-planned means to 
reach their goals. 

I don't have any magic solution to the problem, unfortunately, but I think that 
the problem would be better addressed by better character education than by 
focusing on intelligence. 

Paul Smith
Alverno College


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