Christopher D. Green wrote: 
> I have it on good authority from a professor at Kansas that Paul 
> Mirecki, the professor who was beat up on a rural road for making some 
> disparaging remarks about supporters of ID, has now resigned as chair of 
> religious studies.

The Kansas City Star is reporting that as well:

The student group that Mirecki leads has an online forum at

The entire story as presented from that point of view reads quite differently 
from the way it was presented in the media. The articles that I read simply 
said that Mirecki posted those insulting comments to an internet forum, and 
they "surfaced" or "were made public". But apparently what really happened is 
that there is a guy named "John Altevogt" who has been trying to raise this 
kind of controversy about the University of Kansas, and he went to the internet 
forum solely for the purpose of finding a means of attack. On his own website, 
Altevogt describes himself as "Former Chairman, Wy. Republican Party; Former 
Associate Vice Chairman, Ks. Republican Party". 

If you go to the thread titled "John Altevogt" in the "Evolution" forum you can 
read a long history of the forum posts made by Altevogt as well as the one made 
by Mirecki. 

In context, this reads a lot more like an attack on academic freedom than it 
does a story about a careless and bigoted religious studies professor. 


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