On 4/12/06, Stuart McKelvie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Please, please, let's have that witty metaphor and the "warning"!

The metaphor was something about comparing apples and oranges, with a
"punchline" something like "you'd never read a research report that
said "The people in the treatment group had an average of 50.2 errors,
while on the other hand, the people in the control group smoked an
average of 3.6 cigarettes each day". It probably sounded wittier if
you were there, especially if you were the one saying it. I've been
listening a lot to Arlo Guthrie lately, so my sense of humor has been
"adjusted" a bit.

The warning was straightforward: if on your assessment you don't have
the same measure for both groups, it'll be wrong, and you'll have to
do it over again.

Paul Smith
Alverno College

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