
Similar to Claudia's approach, I wrote an spss program to simulate regression 
to mean for my wife's clinical psych lectures.  Define 10 groups on basis of 
rank of scores at time 1 (t1) and then compute t2 through t6 with specified 
reliability between successive times. Plotting means as function of time and 
rank at time 1 (the 10 groups) nicely shows convergence of extreme groups.   
Below is the program.  Varying #r (the reliability between successive times) 
demonstrates that convergence to zero of extreme groups occurs more rapidly as 
reliability decreases.

input program.
loop o = 1 to 10000.
comp #r = .7071.
comp t1 = rv.norm(0,1).
comp t2 = t1*#r + rv.norm(0,1)*sqr(1-#r**2).
comp t3 = t2*#r + rv.norm(0,1)*sqr(1-#r**2).
comp t4 = t3*#r + rv.norm(0,1)*sqr(1-#r**2).
comp t5 = t4*#r + rv.norm(0,1)*sqr(1-#r**2).
comp t6 = t5*#r + rv.norm(0,1)*sqr(1-#r**2).
end case.
end loop.
end file.
end input program.
rank t1 /ntiles(10) into group.
glm t1 to t6 by group /wsf = time(6) /plot = profile(time*group).

Take care

James M. Clark
Professor of Psychology
204-774-4134 Fax

>>> "Claudia Stanny" <csta...@uwf.edu> 09-Feb-09 12:45:19 PM >>>
I do a version of this as a demonstration of regression effects using a deck of 
cards or a random number generator on my calculator to "measure" achievement 
(and create a "deficient" group for treatment and a "high achieving" group for 
comparison based on the pretest measure)  The deficient group always gets 
better in the post test (only takes a 30-second "treatment" that involves much 
waving of my hands) and the high achieving group shows some slippage. The 
effect of random error is more obvious in this demonstration.

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