
The longitudinal aspect of this research is exciting and novel, but it strikes 
me that the bulk of what is being asserted fits pretty much in the mainstream 
of thinking about the frontal lobes and executive functioning.  The article, 
however, puts a very self-serving (for want of a better term) emphasis on the 
specific researchers involved.

It is perhaps also worth noting that the earlier criticisms of personality 
testing, to which Mischel contributed, have been pretty much debunked (e.g., as 
due to the use of unreliable, single-item measures by critics).

Take care

James M. Clark
Professor of Psychology
204-774-4134 Fax

>>> "William Scott" <wsc...@wooster.edu> 20-May-09 4:42:10 PM >>>
A good article on Walter Mischel and his studies of self control is in this 
week's New Yorker magazine, titled Don't!


Bill Scott

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