
If you google

plagiarism foreign students


plagiarism muslim students

(especially the former), you will find much seemingly credible material linking 
plagiarism and student origins.  Seemingly credible in the sense that much of 
it comes from the academic world, including educational research centers.  
Dominant view appears to link (perhaps) higher rate of plagiarism to 
second-language issues and to lack of academic enculturation.

Take care

James M. Clark
Professor of Psychology
204-774-4134 Fax
Department of Psychology
University of Winnipeg
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3B 2E9

>>> "Claudia Stanny" <csta...@uwf.edu> 05-Jun-09 2:00 PM >>>
Sorry, Michael, but I think you are wrong on this.


I have a very good informant who taught last year at a private Islamic
school in another state.

All of the students in this school are observant Moslems.

She asked my advice for dealing with one student who had plagiarized on
an assignment.

When she confronted the student about the problem, her first response
was "Oh . . . my brother told me I would get in trouble for this!"

None of the other students felt any obligation to share their answers or


Claudia Stanny 


From: michael sylvester [mailto:msylves...@copper.net] 
Sent: Friday, June 05, 2009 1:33 PM
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Subject: [tips] Cross-cultural for Tipsters (2)



What we call cheating may be interpreted differentially.I have noticed
that among some Moslem students working out assignments together or even
sharing answers or allowing other Moslem affiliates to copy is almost
like a religious obligation-as if a good moslem should help another
moslem.So is there a religio-cultural imperative?I taught at an
institution where the chair of the Mathematics dept. told a faculty
gathering that the Arab students in his class were big cheats. 


Michael Sylvester,PhD

daytona Beach,Florida



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