On Wed, 19 Aug 2009 07:06:59 -0700, Jim Matiya wrote:
>What are the five "inviolable rules" in your FYE (?)  history  class.  Not 
>using cell phones in class is one, what are the other four?

The first rule of FYE history class is:

1st RULE:  You do not talk about FYE HISTORY CLASS.

2nd RULE:  You DO NOT talk about FYE HISTORY CLASS!

I'm sure that folks can figure out the rest.
(NOTE:  http://graphjam.com/upcoming/?pid=13617 
but see:
http://digg.com/comedy/Fight_Club_rules )

Oh, can don't say you didn't see this coming.

By the way, consider this my contribution towards Humpday Humor Day.


His name is Robert Paulson.

-Mike Palij
New York University

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