[tips] UFOs/British open minded

On 19 August 209 Michael Sylvester wrote:
The Brits have released 19 years of data collection on UFO and
alien visitations.In contrast to the debunking of such alleged
appearances in the U.S, the Brits appear open-minded to the

I looked in vain for any citation relating to this assertion in this TIPS thread. Here is one, from The Guardian:

This is the fourth batch of UFO files to be released since May last
year and it indicates the MoD has been unwavering in its belief there is "no evidence whatsoever to suggest that intelligent life from outer space or alien spacecraft have landed on our planet".<


Allen Esterson
Former lecturer, Science Department
Southwark College, London

michael sylvester
Wed, 19 Aug 2009 21:44:49 -0700

The Brits have released 19 years of data collection on UFO and alien
visitations.In contrast to the debunking of such alleged appearances in the
U.S,the Brits appear open-minded to the possibility.

Michael Sylvester,PhD
Daytona Beach,Florida

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