I post the following as relevent to our ongoing discussion of 
psychology as a science.  I will leave it to others to comment if they 
wish. (I apologize for the formating.)

Jeff Nagelbush
Ferris State University

Cybersex Survey a travesty

Laura Schlessinger

"Now psychology as a
 discipline must step up to the
 table and accept responsibility for
 the extent to which it has been
 propagating an amoral ethos," Dr.
 Jeffrey Satinover, a renowned
 psychiatrist, is quoted as saying in
 a recent interview.
   That psychology has presented
 itself as a science at all, much less
 a hard science, is somewhere
 between a joke and a travesty.
 Personal and group biases and
 agendas (Liberating sexuality for
 adults and children), political
 positions ("normalizing"
 homosexuality), pet causes (anger
 over perceived patriarchal
 oppression of women, excessive
 focus of self-esteem, unrestrained
 narcissism as healthy), and
 downright stupid or bad research
 and methodology leading to
 dangerous conclusions that the
 media run with as truth (such as
 the media blitz telling women that
 they should no longer feel guilt
 for farming their kids out to day
 care) have seriously damaged
 individuals, families and our
   A recent, seemingly benign,
 example of this nonsense is a
 "survey" of cybersex - another
 addition to the wealth of amoral,
 self-destructive psychobabble
 presented by the American
 Psychological Association in the
 April issue of Professional
 Psychology.  The study was
 accomplished by using the
 MSNBC Web site (gee, isn't that
 random sampling of the
 population?).  Users who had at
 least one cybersex encounter
 were asked to answer questions
 about what kind of sex site they
 visited, how long they spent in
 such pursuits and what they got
 out of it.
   The first thing that ought to
 come to mind is the
 ridiculousness of self-reporting.
 What ever happened to the
 psychology craze about "denial"'.)
 It used to be an "in" joke in the
 profession (by the way I am licensed
 as a marriage and family
 therapist) that if a patient did not
admit to what the therapist 
"knew" to be true, he or she was
 in denial. Now, self-reporting is
 taken as gospel. Fascinating.
 What piece of hard science
 determined that switch?
    As evidence of this denial of
 denial, "three out of four
 respondents said they kept secret
 from others how much time they
 spent online for sexual pursuits,
 although 87 percent reported that
 they did not feel guilty or 
 ashamed about the time they
 spent online.
    Huh? they weren't ashamed,
  but they wouldn't admit they did
  it? Oh, please.
     The study's author states that.
  younger females who use the
  cybersex sites do so because the
  Internet offers "access,
  affordability and anonymity
  allowing young adult women to
  be more comfortable
  experimenting with their
  sexuality online than almost
  anywhere else.  They can engage
  in new relationships without
     What is this psychologist
  talking about?  Granted, a woman
  cannot get physically raped by a
  computer screen, but what about
  psychological and spiritual rape?
  Can we not consider sexually
  relating anonymously to
  disengaged strangers a
  disgusting, superficial, false and
  pathetic nonrendition of healthy,
  committed love?  Does anyone
  really think that letting go of all
  inhibitions, making oneself
  vacantly vulnerable, displaying
  one's evolving sexuality in a
  circus ting and extracting the self
  from one's sexuality are healthy
     Evidently a large number of
  psychologists think so.  Their only
  caution is the amount of time
  spent degrading oneself.  Since
  "the majority (92 percent) said
  they spent fewer than 11 hours a
  week visiting sex sites," the rest
  need their services.  They note
  that "about 5 percent of the
  general population suffers from
  sexual compulsivity." What
  science backs up that arbitrary
  point?  None.  Ten and a half hours
  a week having sexual experiences
  out of the context of love,
  affection and bonding is perfectly
  normal and healthy, according to
  these shrinks.  So, I guess,
  successful treatment would take
  the 12-hour-per-week cybersex
  user down to IO hours.
     The  biggest chuckle in all of
  this is that this survey was done
  on MSNBC as a promotion - not
  a scientific study.  The network
  used it to attract viewers, and
  notes that ". . . by their very
  nature, surveys posted on its Web
  site are NONSCIENTIFIC."
     So why is the APA publishing it
  in a scientific journal?
            New York Times Features

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