I received this from another list I am on and thought Tipsters might find it 

Jeff Nagelbush
Ferris State University

>From: "Jeffrey Nagelbush" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Fwd: [evol-psych] Evidence of brain chemistry abnormalities in 
>bipolar disorder
>Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2000 16:06:34 EDT
>>From: "Ian Pitchford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Reply-To: "Ian Pitchford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: [evol-psych] Evidence of brain chemistry abnormalities in bipolar 
>>Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 09:47:50 +0100
>>University of Michigan Health System
>>U-M team finds evidence of brain chemistry abnormalities in bipolar 
>>30% higher concentration of certain signaling cells may help explain, 
>>"manic depression"
>>ANN ARBOR, MI - People with bipolar disorder have an average of thirty 
>>more of an important class of signal-sending brain cells, according to new
>>evidence being published by University of Michigan researchers.
>>The finding, in the American Journal of Psychiatry, solidifies the idea 
>>the disorder has unavoidable biological and genetic roots, and may explain 
>>it runs in families.
>>The discovery is the first neurochemical difference to be found between
>>asymptomatic bipolar and non-bipolar people. It could help the 
>>and treatment of a disease that affects as much as 1.5 percent of the
>>population. Bipolar disorder has in the past been known as manic 
>>"To put it simply, these patients' brains are wired differently, in a way 
>>we might expect to predispose them to bouts of mania and depression," says
>>Jon-Kar Zubieta, M.D., Ph.D., assistant professor of psychiatry and 
>>at the U-M Health System. "Now, we must expand and apply this knowledge to 
>>them a treatment strategy based on solid science, not on the current 
>>method of
>>trial and error. We should also work to find an exact genetic origin, and 
>>relate those genetic origins to what is happening in the brain."
>>Bipolar disorder is marked by wild, cyclical mood swings, which typically 
>>in a person's late teens or twenties and strike men and women with equal
>>frequency. Its milder, type II form causes depression alternating with
>>hyperactivity, while the more severe type I disorder produces frenzied, 
>>psychotic episodes that may send the patient to the hospital, followed by 
>>crippling depressions. Current treatment uses a mix of mood-stabilizing,
>>anti-psychotic and antidepressant drugs, but patients and physicians often
>>struggle to strike the right combination.
>>Zubieta and his colleagues made the discovery in 16 patients with type I
>>bipolar disorder using a brain imaging technique called positron emission
>>tomography, or PET. The scans let them see the density of cells that 
>>the brain chemicals dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine.
>>These monoamines, as the chemicals are called, send signals between brain
>>cells, or neurons. They're involved in mood regulation, stress responses,
>>pleasure, reward, and cognitive functions like concentration, attention, 
>>executive functions. Scientists have hypothesized their role in bipolar
>>disorder for decades, but have never proven it.
>>The new U-M result points to a clear difference in the density of
>>monoamine-releasing cells in the brains of bipolar people even when they 
>>not having symptoms. Zeroing the PET scanner in on areas of the brain 
>>monoamine-releasing cells are concentrated, the team looked for the faint
>>signal of a weakly radioactive tracer, DTBZ, which they had injected into 
>>bloodstream of the 16 participants and 16 people without bipolar disorder.
>>DTBZ binds only to a protein called VMAT2 inside monoamine-releasing 
>>making it a good tracking device for the density of those cells. It is 
>>often used in PET scanning to study Parkinson's disease, which is 
>>by a severe shortage of cells that produce dopamine. On PET scans, DTBZ
>>density - and therefore monoamine cell density - can be quantified by the
>>amount of radioactive signal present in different areas.
>>By looking at the intensity of the DTBZ signal in all the subjects' 
>>brains, the
>>U-M team found that bipolar patients averaged 31 percent more binding 
>>sites in
>>the region known as the thalamus, and 28 percent more in the ventral brain
>>stem. In the thalamus, bipolar women actually had levels nearing those of
>>healthy comparison subjects, but bipolar men had a 42 percent higher 
>>rate, suggesting that there may be specific biological causes for the 
>>differences in the course of the illness in men and women.
>>Adding in the results of functional tests, they found that the more 
>>cells patients had, the lower their scores on tests of executive function 
>>verbal learning. This finding confirms earlier results from research at 
>>U-M, and suggests that the altered brain chemistry due to the excess 
>>cells may directly impact the patients' cognitive and social function.
>>The study was carefully designed to produce consistent results. It 
>>brain scans and neuropsychological test results from bipolar disorder I
>>patients who were using medications to control their symptoms, and healthy
>>subjects matched to the bipolar subjects for age, sex, ethnicity, 
>>and other factors. Careful physical and psychiatric exams ruled out 
>>caused by other variables.
>>Now, Zubieta and his colleagues hope their initial finding will lead to 
>>research on brain chemistry and bipolar disorder. Specifically, more study 
>>needed to examine which kinds of monoamine cells are involved - Zubieta
>>especially suspects those that produce serotonin and norepinephrine. Those
>>findings could help define specific subtypes of bipolar disorder, and aid
>>development of medications and drug combinations that target a specific
>>patient's personal brain chemistry to alleviate symptoms.
>>Genetic research, too, will be needed to find out why bipolar brains grow 
>>than the usual allotment of such cells. Bipolar disorder I has a strong 
>>still unknown tie to DNA; studies of identical twins show that if one twin 
>>it, the other has an 80 percent chance of having it, too. Zubieta is 
>>that genetic markers will one day be found that can help people know their 
>>of developing bipolar disorder.
>>A combination of both genetic research and neuroimaging studies would help
>>define both the genetic components of this illness, and their relationship 
>>the expression of specific brain chemical markers in specific patients.
>>The U-M is launching a new trial that will enroll patients who have just 
>>diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and those with a family history of the 
>>that puts them at higher risk.
>>"The reality is that we still have only sketches of what is going on in 
>>brains, what the basic changes are, and how they are related to the course 
>>illness," Zubieta says. "We need to look farther."
>>The study was funded by the U-M's General Clinical Research Center, by the
>>National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression, and by the
>>Mental Illness Research Association's Arthur Forrest Tull II Research 
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