From "Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives?", by John Cloud in 
"Time", cited by Stephen Black:,8599,1968042,00.html

"These aren't entirely new findings; last year, for example, a British 
team found that kids with higher intelligence scores were more likely 
to grow into adults who vote for Liberal Democrats, even after the 
researchers controlled for socioeconomics."

Oh, dear, the perils of translating from the UK to the US! Do not 
conflate the American use of the term "liberal" with what is meant in 
Britain by "Liberal".  First the name Liberal Democrats comes from a 
1987 merger of the traditional Liberal Party (always traditionally a 
strong supporter of capitalist free enterprise, with safeguards) with 
the Social Democratic Party. The Social Democratic Party was an 
offshoot of the Labour Party set up by four prominent Labour Party 
members from the Right of the Party. Second, the Liberal Democrats are 
regarded as a more middle-of-the-road Party than the left-of-centre 
Labour Party (at least the traditional part of the Labour Party). 
Second, while the leadership tends to be responsible in its formulation 
of policies in the sense of maintaining policies that recognize the 
realities of what can be achieved by any Government in the specific 
circumstances of its election to power, the Liberal Democrats have the 
advantage over the two main parties in that they have no hope of 
achieving power in the immediate future, so their policies can be more 
"idealistic" without their having to be put to the test of actually 
having to be carried out. And third, there is a vocal wing of the 
Liberal Democrats that advocates all manner of mostly unrealistic 
idealistic policies that would be virtually impossible to accomplish, 
and which wouldn't help the Party if they were to be accepted by the 
leadership because they don't have any great support among the wider 

Allen Esterson
Former lecturer, Science Department
Southwark College, London


From:   Paul Brandon <>
Subject:        Re: Why Liberals and Atheists Are More Intelligent
Date:   Fri, 12 Mar 2010 22:59:04 -0600

On the other hand, self styled conservatives like Bush and Cheney 
worked very hard at avoiding actual combat.
May be more a style of verbal aggression.

On Mar 8, 2010, at 7:38 PM, <> <> 

  As a follow-up to my post drawing attention to this paper, I've 
noticed that _Time_ magazine also has an essay on it,  probably 
published immediately after they spotted my note on TIPS.,8599,1968042,00.html

The author, John Cloud, refers to a study which found that physically 
stronger men tended toward a belief in the use of force to solve 
personal and international conflicts. Identifying this with a 
conservative philosophy (a bit forced, perhaps), Cloud concludes his 
piece with this bit of advice:

"If you are a liberal who believes you're smarter than conservatives, 
you probably shouldn't bring that up around them. You might not like 
them when they're angry."

Which suggests that it might not have been a good idea for Ed Pollack 
to have, as he said, send the article around to his right wing friends, 
even if he did get a lot of pleasure out of it.

Paul Brandon
Emeritus Professor of Psychology
Minnesota State University, Mankato

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