Karl Wuensch writes in response to the results of the Pew Poll on 
religious knowledge
>So, does atheism cause one to learn more about religion,
>does knowing more about religion cause one to become
>atheist, or might there be a third variable (or constellation
>of variables) accounting for the correlation between atheism
>and knowledge about religion?

I'm with Miguel on this, in contrast to the simplistic comment of Dave 
Silverman, president of American Atheists, whose words were quoted by 
Chris Green (see below). :

Miguel wrote:
>I vote for the third variable (or a constellation of variables).

A look at a sample of the questions indicates it is not really about 
religion as such. As one of the authors of the poll says: "The single 
strongest factor predicting how well a person does on the religious 
knowledge quiz is education - the more years of schooling a person has, 
the more they are likely to know about religion, regardless of how 
religious they consider themselves to be." In other words, it's 
actually a general knowledge poll rather than a specifically religious 
knowledge poll, as can be seen from the sample of 15 questions from the 
32 on this webpage:

So I don't think anything much (beyond educational attainment) can be 
drawn from the fact that atheists/agnostics score high – especially as 
Jews score about the same, and Mormons are close behind!

Jews 65%
Atheist/Agnostic 64%
Mormons 61%

P.S. An anomaly of self-identification in such polls is the 
religion/ethnicity conflation in the case of Jews. If the US is 
anything like the UK, an appreciable proportion of Jews are 
atheist/agnostic -- as is the newly elected leader of the UK Labour 
Party, Ed Miliband:


Allen Esterson
Former lecturer, Science Department
Southwark College, London

From:   Christopher D. Green <chri...@yorku.ca>
Subject:        Re: Atheism and Knowledge About Religion
Date:   Tue, 28 Sep 2010 17:35:15 -0400
Wuensch, Karl L wrote:
So, does atheism cause one to learn more about religion, does knowing 
more about religion cause one to become atheist, or might there be a 
third variable (or constellation of variables) accounting for the 
correlation between atheism and knowledge about religion?

Dave Silverman, president of American Atheists, was quoted in the New 
York Times version of this story as saying: “I have heard many times 
that atheists know more about religion than religious people,.... 
Atheism is an effect of that knowledge, not a lack of knowledge. I gave 
a Bible to my daughter. That’s how you make atheists.”

Chris Green
York U.

From:   roig-rear...@comcast.net
Subject:        Re: Atheism and Knowledge About Religion
Date:   Tue, 28 Sep 2010 22:24:46 +0000 (UTC)

Lacking any knowledge of empirical research regarding such questions, 
plus the fact that millions of people are given bibles, Qur'ans, and 
other similar texts from the moment they are born and remain religious 
throughout their lives, I vote for the third variable (or a 
constellation of variables).


From:   William Scott <wsc...@wooster.edu>
Subject:        Re: Atheism and Knowledge About Religion
Date:   Tue, 28 Sep 2010 22:26:53 -0400
You can take the quiz at:


and get your percentile ranking.

It's ridiculously easy.

Bill Scott

>>> "Jim Clark" <j.cl...@uwinnipeg.ca> 09/28/10 9:42 PM >>>

Shouldn't that be Bibles, Qur'ans, OR other similar texts?  If the
survey questions sampled diverse religious traditions, then perhaps a
person committed to one religion might not do well on religious tenets
other than their own?

Take care

James M. Clark
Professor of Psychology
204-774-4134 Fax

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