Michael Sylvester wrote:
>For many years, during the February Black History month.
>I posted on the African origins of Psychology in WHAT
>Some tipsters were furious and left the list.

At the risk of being accused of subscribing to Eurocentric notions of 
validation, I request from Michael what evidence he has that those who 
left TIPS around that time did so on the specific grounds that they 
were furious that he posted on African origins of psychology.

Allen Esterson
Former lecturer, Science Department
Southwark College, London

michael sylvester <msylves...@copper.net>
Subject:        More on the 3 posts daily limit
Date:   Sun, 3 Oct 2010 15:40:30 -0200

When I introduced the idea of "Eurocentricity " on Tips,many tipsters
were unaware of that paradigm.And some tipsters began to experience 
cognitive dissonance because my ideas went far beyond what they had 
been taught in academia.For many years,during the February Black 
History month.I posted on the African origins of Psychology in WHAT 
THEY NEVER TOLD YOU IN PSYCHOLOGY CLASS.Some tipsters were furious and 
left the list.

Led by our New England and California first responders, my posts were 
attacked by all segments of Tips (except for the Canadians who were 
smart enough to ignore my posts).
If the ad hominen attacks, insults and other put downs hurled at me  by 
some tipsters were money, I would be a millionaire.

The 3 posts daily limit was imposed to minimize the cognitive 
dissonance on some tipsters.
There has been about 8 attempts to extinguish me from the list.

As a matter of fact I am thinking of adding "teflon" to my signature
since none of the attempts has succeeded (so far).
I may sign as "Teflon MIchael.

Michael "the teflon omnicentric" Sylvester,PhD
Daytona Beach,Florida

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