Chris Green writes:
>currently in Montreal...  reading and enjoying _The Spirit Level:
>Why Equlaity is Better for Everyone_, in which Oliver James is
>occasionally cited, which I am sure will rankle Allen's apparently
>reflexive Toryism. :-)

Ignoring the smiley (which just possibly may be a device by which Chris 
may brush off my reply as taking his comment too seriously), Chris's 
comment says more about him than about me. Evidently anyone who doesn't 
endorse a 'progressive' (or whatever word one might use to describe it) 
agenda on a variety of subjects is "right-wing" or, in the British 
context, a Tory. Scott Lilienfeld recently dubbed this mind-set "group 

In fact I have voted Conservative in a general election only once in 
the whole of my fairly lengthy life – and that was in the recent 
election, and only because my local Tory candidate was a youngish black 
guy who's been a good local councillor and whose policies on education 
(especially in relation to under-achieving boys of Afro-Caribbean 
descent) I was impressed by.

Whether in the political field, or any other, my approach is to 
endeavour to take any case on its merits, regardless of who is the 
proponent. It is also one of taking contentions (whether in articles or 
books) with a modicum of caution, always wanting to know the evidence 
for specific assertions, no matter how categorically they are asserted. 
(I'm constantly astonished how often reviewers of non-fiction books 
take supposedly factual assertions at their face value, as if they are 
true by virtue of their being published in a book.)

Maybe this attitude of mind became a basic part of my outlook because I 
was brought up in a Communist household, and was involved in one or two 
other left wing groups in my early adulthood. What that background 
impressed on me was the extent that the thinking of many people (most 
people?) who have a strong interest in political/social affairs is 
constrained by whatever is acceptable within the groups (or, more 
generally, social circles) within which they function. As indicated 
above, I hope that experience has largely immunised me against such a 
restriction on one's critical faculties.

Allen Esterson
Former lecturer, Science Department
Southwark College, London

From:   Christopher D. Green <>
Subject:        Re: Are Genes Left-Wing?
Date:   Sat, 16 Oct 2010 18:08:58 -0400

Free will for me. Determinism (genetic or environmental) for thee.

Chris Green
currently in Montreal...  reading and enjoying _The Spirit Level: Why
Equlaity is Better for Everyone_, in which Oliver James is occasionally
cited, which I am sure will rankle Allen's apparently reflexive 
Toryism. :-)

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