The EDGE website has selected contributors providing examples of wrong 
scientific beliefs that were held for long periods. Several of the 
contributors are psychologists. The child development psychologist 
Alison Gopnik has an interesting contribution, including that there is 
evidence “that many once popular and evidence-resistant scientific 
belief systems are also developed spontaneously by many children.”

Scroll down to the contributions, under DISCOVER.

I noticed one erroneous statement in the contributions: Cesar A. 
Hidalgo at the MIT Media Lab writes that the advanced age of the world 
required by Darwin’s work “was heavily refuted [sic] by scientists, 
particularly by Lord Kelvin, who made calculations of the rate at which 
earth must have cooled down and concluded that this could have only 
happened in a few thousand years... he did not know about the 
radioactive decay taking place at the earth's core...”

In fact Darwin biographies report that Lord Kelvin’s calculations led 
him to conclude the earth could not be older than 100 million years, a 
trifle longer than the few thousand stated by Hildago. (Wikipedia has 
it that a later calculation by Kelvin gave between 20 and 40 million 

Hildalgo is making his own contribution to erroneous beliefs when he 
states that the age of the earth was thought to be only a few thousand 
years old until Charles Lyell’s work (around 1830) provided estimates 
of many millions of years. In fact the geologist James Hutton, on whose 
work Lyell built, had already proposed enormous stretches of time to 
account for the world’s geology, and others before him had estimated 
the age of the earth as at least a million years.

Allen Esterson
Former lecturer, Science Department
Southwark College, London

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