Something I do in my I/O class (and in my Social Psych class) is have class 
short and informal presentations on specific topics. I give 4 topics and 
students select from them, with a minimum number of persons who must sign up 
for each topic to ensure all are covered by a variety of people. They are to 
bring in a work life experience that they now understand better due to having 
gained an academic understanding of the phenomenon and/or how they have a 
better understanding of the studied topic based on their life experience. It is 
essential that they focus on the linkage between the two and how understanding 
has been improved by the seeing the phenomenon in their experience.

For instance, my topics for one week this past semester were: A: Forming a 
Group; B: Group Decision Failings; C: An Admired Leader; D: Shopping and 
Selling. (I'll be selecting a new topic for the first one next year.) These 
roughly matched major sections of the chapters and students were required to be 
'drill down' to find a specific topic within these broad areas to illustrate in 
their story.

For 2.25 hour class meetings 4 days a week, these kinds of discussions could be 
a very nice break in the monotony and take about 30 to 45 minutes in the middle 
with only a portion of the class presenting. Mine worked out to each student 
having about 7 minutes of time which was plenty for me to ask questions and 
provide commentary if they were focused.


On Jun 10, 2013, at 1:58 PM, 

Good afternoon. I'm teaching an undergraduate I-O Psychology course later this 
summer. Class sessions are 2.25 hours/day, 4 days/week.

I've typically given two exams and a final. This time I plan to give an exam 
per week for the first 4 weeks (the final is scheduled for the last day of the 

In the past I've pretty much stuck with exams and haven't done much in the way 
of assignments. This summer I plan to have students each do a job analysis (on 
a job other than their own). I've required this before (but in groups as part 
of a larger assignment).

However, I'd like to add another short assignment or two (manageable for 
students and for me). I'd appreciate any and all suggestions. Thank you.

Gary Coulton, PhD
Associate Professor of Psychology
Texas A&M Univesity-San Antonio
(210) 784-2203


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