Looks like a fundamental attribution error problem. The person's behavior is 
presumed to be indicative of character/personality/race/etc., situational 
factors are discounted/ignored. The situation here is the person on screen is 
under direction and playing a scripted role. But, based on the FAE, observers 
will tend to see the behaviors of the actors in character as their true 

For whole movie based on this concept, see GalaxyQuest, about a bunch of Star 
Trek actors snatched from a trekie-type convention by space aliens because they 
are the heroes seen on TV broadcasts that will save their world from 


On Aug 24, 2013, at 11:18 AM, Mike Palij wrote:

I've been a fan of the TV series "Breaking Bad" since its first episode
but I was unaware of the degree of negative reaction to Anna Gunn,
the actor who plays Skylar White, the wife of the main character of
the series Walter White who is played by Bryan Cranston.
Apparently, there was dislike of the Skylar character from the beginning
which was voiced on the chat boards at AMC and elsewhere as well
as on various Facebook pages but has escalated to Ms. Gunn
herself, including death threats.  Ms. Gunn has written an op-ed
piece for the NY Times where she reviews these issues and basically
asks "WTF?!" with the haters; see:

I am unaware of any psychological research on how often or to what
degree people confuse the character an actor plays with the actor
him/herself but I can think of several instances where people have
attributed qualities of characters to the actors.  Does anyone know
of research on this?

-Mike Palij
New York University


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