And, there are some departments in which everyone is called "Bruce".


Paul C Bernhardt
Associate Professor of Psychology
Frostburg State University

On May 6, 2015, at 6:41 PM, Mike Palij <<>> 

On Wed, 06 May 2015 15:32:20 -0700, Scott O Lilienfeld wrote:
Mike P. is correct.  Loftus' friends (of which I count myself as one)
call her "Beth."

Since Scott didn't bite on the Ralph/Elizabeth line, let me
explain that it is possible that some people may have a first
name spelled "Ralph" but pronounced "Elizabeth", comparable
to this classic situation:

Also check out the cosmetic surgery sketch.

-Mike Palij
New York University<>

-----Original Message---
On  Wednesday, May 06, 2015 6:16 PM, Mike Palij wrote:
On Wed, 06 May 2015 13:21:59 -0700, michael sylvester wrote:
Loftus was on NPR and was asked to comment about a recent incident
where some bystanders reported that a policeperson allegedly fired his
gun at someone.Close examination,however, revealed that the shot heard
was not from the policeperson's weapon.When asked why so many witnesses
were in error,
Loftus comments included   that some people invent memories;she
elaborated on the mechanisms involved.

The Murdoch Faux News network apparently started the rumor and Shepard Smith
had to do an on-air apology.  For one source on this, see:

Btw,does Loftus  appreciate being called Liz?

I believe that friends and relatives call her Beth.  Scott L can confirm.
However, you can try calling her Liz and see where it gets you. ;-)

I have known some professors who insist on being addressed as Elizabeth

Really? Did their first name happen to be Ralph?  Just asking.

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