There’s a reason there are specialists in sexuality, sexual identity, sexual 
behavior, etc. 5 sexes might (maybe) cover the variations in physiological sex. 
Once gender orientation is crossed with that, certainly a continuous variable, 
well… complexities abound.

Simplistic thinking need not apply.

For instance, read Anne Fausto-Sterling:

Paul C Bernhardt
Associate Professor of Psychology
Frostburg State University

On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 3:46 AM, michael sylvester 
<<>> wrote:

With Bruce Jenner in  mind.ANOVA may have to make some adjustmes to accommodate
LGBT subjects. Currently the gender variable N2  male/female but with LGBT 
subjects coming into the subject pool we may be lookimg not at a 2x2 design but 
a 3x2 design.Of course ANOVA
measures simple,main,and interaction effects.Those analyses would be very 
interestingWith LGBT a subset of the gender paradigm,when does the he or the 
she kicks in.
daytona beach.florida
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