
On Wed, 7 Apr 2010 08:00:38 -0700 (PDT)
Nemes Andrei <teh_sh_meis...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I'm sorry for being such a beginner in this, but could not find where
> to download the winico. Is it included in Tk already? 

I think you will have to download winico-0.6.zip from


and copy the winico-0.6 folder into your Python's Tcl folder so that Tk
can find it. Unfortunately there does not seem to be a Tkinter wrapper
available, so you will have to write it yourself :(

>From a quick glance at the winico manpage a quick'n'dirty wrapper could
look like this (untested!):
############# file Winico.py ##############################
import Tkinter

class Winico:
    def __init__(self, filename):

        master = Tkinter._default_root
        if not master:
            raise RuntimeError, 'Too early to create icon'
        self.WinicoVersion = master.tk.call('package', 'require', 'winico')
        self.tk = master.tk
    def createfrom(self, filename):
        return self.tk.call('winico', 'createfrom', filename)
    def delete(self, id_):
        self.tk.call('winico', 'delete', id_)
    def load(self, resourcename, filename=None):
        return self.tk.call('winico', 'load', resourcename, filename)
    def info(self, id_=None):
        # the output should of course be formatted somehow
        return self.tk.call('winico', 'info', id_)
    def setwindow(self, size='big', pos=None):
        return self.tk.call('winico', 'setwindow', size, pos)
    def taskbar_add(self, id_, callback=None, pos=None, text=None):
        args = ()
        if callback:
            args += ('-callback', callback)
        if pos:
            args += ('-pos', pos)
        if text:
            args += ('-text', text)
        return self.tk.call('winico', 'taskbar', 'add', id_, *args)
    def taskbar_modify(self, id_, callback=None, pos=None, text=None):
        args = ()
        if callback:
            args += ('-callback', callback)
        if pos:
            args += ('-pos', pos)
        if text:
            args += ('-text', text)
        return self.tk.call('winico', 'taskbar', 'modify', id_, *args)
    def taskbar_delete(self, id_):
        return self.tk.call('winico', 'taskbar', 'delete', id_)


If you compare this with the winico man page from


you will probably see the point how this is supposed to work.

Another problem is how to write the callback function for mouse clicks
onto the icon. I guess you will have to add the percent substitutions
and register the callback manually, like:

    import Tkinter, Winico
    root = Tkinter.Tk()

    def your_callback(icon_id, message_specifier):
        if message_specifier == "WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK":
            (... do something with icon_id...)
        elif message_specifier == "WM_RBUTTONDOWN":
            (... do something else with icon_id...)

    # register the callback for Tk:
    cmd = (root.register(your_callback), '%i', '%m')
    # create an icon
    icon = Winico.Winico()
    icon_id = icon.createfrom("some.ico")
    icon.taskbar_add(icon_id, callback=cmd, text="Your text here")

I think you see the point, how the percent substitutions are passed to
the callback.

I hope this helps


I forwarded this to the list, maybe it is interesting for
other people, too, I hope that's ok.
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