Todd A. Jacobs wrote:
The important thing, though, is that there's a workaround. I'm surprised
no one else has experienced this, though; it may not be worth adding to
the wiki if it's a "just me" sort of thing.

If I remember correctly this isn't the first time this issue has cropped up. I'm fairly certain that it's even been discussed on this list before. Anyway, I've had the following bit of code in my .tmda/config for years:

# This is where bounced email will go.
# You probably want a line in your incoming filter
# that matches this email and has a drop action

I also (at one time) ensured that the skeleton setups used by TMDA-CGI included this same code as well as the appropriate drop rule in the incoming filter.

It certainly isn't a new situation where MTAs are refusing emails with null envelope senders. It's been a frequently exercised rule for reducing the amount of spam that gets into the mail system since spammers often used to leave the envelope sender empty in the effort to get into your inbox.
fn:David Grimberg
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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