I have been using TMDA for years now with no problems (and importantly  
almost no spam :-D), but recently I' have seen the following types of  
errors in my debug logs...

Uncaught Python 2.4.4 Exception (Sat Sep 27 14:35:29 2008):
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/local/bin/tmda-filter", line 53, in ?
     execfile(os.path.join(execdir, 'tmda-rfilter'))
   File "/usr/local/bin/tmda-rfilter", line 878, in ?
   File "/usr/local/bin/tmda-rfilter", line 819, in main
   File "./TMDA/FilterParser.py", line 926, in firstmatch
MatchError: [line 14]: "from-file": missing or bogus <action> field

I upgraded to 1.1.12 yesterday but still get these messages.

I am concerned that this means I may be losing legitimate email... is  
this the case?  How may I fix the errors?

Thanks for your time,
best regards,

Matthew Tylee Atkinson
tmda-users mailing list (tmda-users@tmda.net)

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