Barb - my lesion is also at T-10 according to my neuro.  On my last MRI, he
said the nerves have healed and are not swollen, but the protective coating
has been destroyed and that is was causing the problems.  He also confirms
the TM diagnosis.  I am able to walk in the house without any aids, but I
cannot stand alone for anymore than a few seconds.  When I am moving I am
o.k. but when I stop I have to have something to hold on to.  My family said
I waddle like a duck when walking but at least I can get where I want to go.


I used to use the walker with a wheels and a seat while cooking, but I don't
have to do that anymore.  I am pooped after.  I also use a walker when I am
out and about.  I need the security of having something to hold on it.  I
also have an electric cart so I can get around to various functions, but
don't use it much during the winter.  I use it when going to things like the
State Fair, etc.


It is always so nice when we can compare symptoms and problems.  It shows we
are not alone in this.


Take care and don't give up!


Patti - Wisconsin


From: Barbara Alma [] 
Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2010 6:20 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] TM and Pilates


Hi Randy,


Yes, I have residuals.  I can walk, but not well without aids.  When I do, I
use up so much of my energy that I cannot function much after doing just a
very small amount, so it's just not worth it.  Around the house I use a
walker with wheels for household chores like laundry and while doing my
cooking prep at the kitchen table, etc.  I can't walk and carry hardly
anything unless it's like from one counter to another in the kitchen or if
there isn't any weight to it.  It just doesn't work for me.  Like can't walk
and chew gum, you know?  It's just easier than using a cane or crutch and
then going back and forth with just one thing at a time.  I can load it up
and carry a bunch of stuff at once.  But, I really give myself a workout
just trying to cook at the stove.  That's a real challenge for me to stand
at the stove for very long and I really miss spending more time cooking.  My
daughter in-law says when I start to look like a cowgirl, that's when you
know that I'm in trouble and looking like I'm in danger of overdoing it.
So, I do as much as I can sitting.    

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA


-----Original Message-----
To: Barbara Alma <>;
Sent: Sat, Feb 13, 2010 9:51 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] TM and Pilates

Barbara you helped restore some of my sanity. Do you still have residual
problems? My same neuro suggested that it have been auto immunine disorder.
I didn't know if he was suggesting a virus and when I asked I think that he
might have thought that I just don't have enough background knowledge to
understand. I know that I have been checked for a lot of pathogens and each
time it was always negative. I did get eatten up by mosqiutoes in the deep
woods of a national forrest 2 weeks before the tm experience set in. 

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


From: Barbara Alma <> 

Date: Sun, 14 Feb 2010 00:39:33 -0500

To: <>; <>

Subject: Re: [TMIC] TM and Pilates


Hi Randy and all TMIC,


I am another one who was originally told that I had TM and am now being told
that I don't, and that's by the same doctor and another as well.  I've never
been talked to about MS though.  I had only one attack, was paralyzed from
waist to toes within 15 minutes, at lesion T8-10.  I even went to 2
different hospitals, as I wanted a second opinion, both with a TM diagnosis.


After about 3 yrs I was told by my first Neuro, who became my treating Neuro
that I didn't have TM.  He didn't know what caused the paralysis and no
other information as to why.  Not a spinal infarction or stroke, or anything
else.  I had trouble with my disability claim and he was the cause so I
changed Neuro's a few of years later and she had MRI's done and told me the
same thing.  MRI's have come a long way and the lesion is not there any
longer and they can't see any cause, like a bleed or anything.  She looked
for evidence of a bleed because she wanted to rule out the possibility of it
happening again and couldn't find it.


So guys, since I've had 2 Neuro's both tell me that I don't have TM, I
really don't care.  I'm sticking with it, and you are just stuck with me.
I'm happy here, I get the support that I need, I give it when I can, and I'm
not going anywhere.  I really don't know what caused my problems, and I
really don't care at this point.  It is what it is.  I've had this crap for
over 10 years and it's not going away.  I had TM symptoms and that's where I
started, so I'm sticking with it.  

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA


-----Original Message-----
To: Grace M. <>
Cc: Janice Nichols <>;
Sent: Sat, Feb 13, 2010 1:18 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] TM and Pilates

Janice its ok. I've actually been wondering if I should stay.  I feel very 
awkward these days. I've been told more than once that I had all the
signs for ms and I did loose my left foot followed by my right leg then my 
bladder was told I had tm and went through the most unbelievable facial
Had several doc all with different ideas and one that got me on my feet and 
another that got me in pt and walking again I've been hospitalized 4 times
now suddenly I am told that I don't have ms and show no signs of tm. I pray
God nothing comes back. I spent an entire summer pushing myself on a tread
trying to rebuild my strenght but that was after the years of trying to
cross my 
legs and do odd excercises on the bed floor and chair that the pt taught me.
sure has been a mentally brain warping experience. Tx grace for calling me
This is a great group of people and have helped me get through a lot of 
challenges as well as put up with my venting from time to time. I think we
have to vent. 
------Original Message------
From: Grace M.
Cc: Janice Nichols
Subject: Re: [TMIC] TM and Pilates
Sent: Feb 13, 2010 2:26 PM
You're like family here at the site and have a lot of good input to offer.
think that you and I came around the same time.  
Janice, we don't have to currently be ill in order to participate here.  ALL
welcome.  It's not an exclusive club.  
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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