On Mon, December 12, 2005 1:09 am, Patrick Bielen wrote:
> Hi Dave,
>> I'm assuming this is a java error...
>> and nothing to do with tn5250j. Am I correct in that assumption ?  ;)
> I should say yes :-)
> Seems tn5250j.jar is not in your classpath.
> It also can be the case that . is not in
> your classpath either, cause when you start tn5250j from the tn5250j-dir
> then it should be able to find the tn5250j.jar file.
> try to enter "echo $CLASSPATH" on the console to see if . is in the
> classpath.
> Let us know what the results are.
> Best Regards,
> Patrick

Well, nothing shows up..  ;)  However after some work, using the bash
shell, I can start up the client with:

nohup java -jar /home/crouse/tn5250j/lib/tn5250j.jar 2>>error.log &

I setup and alias in my .bashrc file

alias tn5250j='nohup java -jar /home/crouse/tn5250j/lib/tn5250j.jar
2>>error.log &'

This seems to work. The original bash/shell startup file, appears to be
formatted/written in a DOS enviroment.

#! /bin/sh

# Runs the tn5250j 5250 java emulator

# Sets the tn5250j home directory

# Change to the emulator's directory
cd ${TN5250J_HOME}/

# Does the effective launching
java -jar "lib/tn5250j.jar"

Changing line #1 to

and running with sh or ./tn5250j appears to work, but doesn't but the job
in the background. Using nohup accomplishes this and appears to work fine.

Thanks for the idea though.  I wasn't sure where to start looking at
first. Once I read the /bin/tn5250j file with cat, I was able to make it
work ;)

Dave Crouse
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